Gulls and Turtle, West Coast

If all you have is a hammer, then everything looks like a nail.

With my current physiotherapy preoccupation, I seem to see fellow sufferers/devotees everywhere. Herewith, photos from a recent trip to the Left Coast as reminders that what I see in my photos depends on what else is happening in my life, and that the technical excellence (or lack thereof) of my photos isn’t always the point. What a great hobby: It can be enjoyed on so many levels.

Herring gull on rocky shoreline, with right wing stretched out.

Hold, and breathe . . .


Gull on rooftop, stretching right wing back and up.

Don’t move into pain . . .


Turtle sunning itself on log, head up and right leg stretched out behind it.

Clams got legs: Do turtles got glutes?


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4 Responses to Gulls and Turtle, West Coast

  1. Alison says:

    Love the turtle exercising his glutes! Gave me a much needed chuckle!

  2. Too funny!
    Reminds me of an excruciatingly difficult exercise John had to do years ago for his “etcher’s hump” neck problem. The exercise sheet gave detailed instructions, including No 5 — “Stop holding your breath — breathe!”

    • Isabel Gibson says:

      Barbara – Yes, the physio routinely tells me to remember to breathe while doing things that require so much concentration they shut down all autonomic functions!

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