Chickadee, Ladner BC

I don’t need to go to the George C. Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary to see chickadees: I can see those out my living room window.

But to get a picture – ah, in that case it helps to be in a place where they’re used to people, and perch for more than a millisecond at a time.


Side view of chickadee on curved twig.


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8 Responses to Chickadee, Ladner BC

  1. Alison Uhrbach says:

    One of my favourite birds!

    • Isabel Gibson says:

      Alison – I admit that I prefer bigger, slooooower birds, but I’ll take a picture of pretty much any bird that stands still long enough.

  2. Marilyn Smith says:

    Such an exquisite photograph, Isabel! I love the detail of this little creature’s perfect colouring beautifully and simply framed in his perch.

  3. After robins, the next bird I learned to identify; we sang about them in school music lessons. They always give me a sense of continuity in a changing world. I would echo Marilyn.

    • Isabel Gibson says:

      Laurna – I didn’t meet chickadees until I was an adult, but I understand that love of something that comes from a childhood association. Lovely.

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