Leaves and Raindrops, Burnstown ON

Ontario in the late fall after the leaves have dropped is not my favourite spot on the space/time continuum. Too much of it is wet for the feet and dreary grey for the eyes.

So on a short walk in the countryside, it was nice to see some things worth seeing, even if they were wet.


Close-up of dried beige leaf with raindrops on it.

Dried reddish leaf with raindrops, lying on drak grey gravel.


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4 Responses to Leaves and Raindrops, Burnstown ON

  1. Marion says:

    Neat, all those little magnifying glasses!

    • Isabel Gibson says:

      Marion – Yeah! If “we write to taste life twice,” then we take pictures to see the world twice.

  2. Jim Robertson says:

    Very nicely done, Isabel

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