
On the 9th day of Christmas
Canada gave to me
Brave heroes striving
Real smart inventors
Artistic creators
Writers a-writing
High sugar treats
Athletic stars
Far northern sites
And a nation, bounded by seas.

Brave Heroes Striving

Soldiers and diplomats; military and civilian; men and women; immigrants, indigenous people, everyone else; living and dead; individuals and groups.


Selected Billy Bishop Medals


Vimy Memorial


Laura Secord memorial

Head and torso shot of Terry Fox Memorial.

Terry Fox monument


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2 Responses to Ninth

  1. Jim Taylor says:

    Thank you for including Rick Hansen, Laura Secord, and Terry Fox in the photo gallery. When I first saw the subject for “Ninth” I was afraid it was all going to be military heroes. I’m not a military fan (as Ivan has probably inferred already), so I’m glad that you recognized there are other ways to struggle and be brave.
    Jim T

    • Isabel Gibson says:

      Jim – Oh, yes, combat courage isn’t the only kind, for sure. And I expect some of what passes for courage in combat really isn’t. The notable heroes can also obscure the everyday ones who struggle with some aspect of life and yet never give up.

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