This one had me lunging for my phone, trying to capture it before we barrelled on by.
To modify a saying about camera phones in general,
“The best camera is the one you have within lunging distance. . .”
This one had me lunging for my phone, trying to capture it before we barrelled on by.
To modify a saying about camera phones in general,
“The best camera is the one you have within lunging distance. . .”
Very “Darth Vadar” like! I tried to look for “faces” when we were away, but it’s harder than it looks – so kudo’s to you for all your great shots.
Alison – When I started looking, it was several months before I saw one of these accidental faces. Now I see them more and more: even in old photographs of rock faces (hahaha). I suspect it’s like looking for shells on the beach: I had to get my eye/brain tuned for that pattern, but once it was, my subconscious took over all the monitoring work.