Yelich. Is that Yel-ich or Yel-ick, I wonder.
Sitting in the stands during Spring Training, I have time for some sideways musings, even with the new time clocks aiming to speed up play.
Ege. Is that Ee-gee or Ee-jee or something else?
Baseball is like that: It doesn’t consume every minute.
Pinder. Now that one I know.
I don’t follow Major League Baseball closely enough to know the correct pronunciations for all the one-off names involved, but some names are obvious. But as I consider that conclusion as it relates to Chad Pinder, I wonder idly why it is clear that it’s Pin-der, and not Pine-der. After all, some “-inder” words are “-ine-der,” aren’t they?
Well sure they are: binder, finder, and minder come to mind.
Now I’m well and truly distracted. Trying for some discipline, I mentally review the entire alphabet and here present the results: longs on the left, shorts on the right. Pinder, of course, is only a name, not really a word.
Binder Cinder
Finder Hinder
Minder Tinder
Well, will you look at that? They alternate. Who knew? Not me. And how come? Dunno.
But I expect there’s some entirely rational answer. It can’t possibly be a Freemason or Illuminati or Knights Templar conspiracy.
Can it?
Well, I don’t know what it’s like there in the baseball stands in Arizona, but I know that at the Rogers Centre in Toronto, where the Toronto Blue Jays play, the sound swirls around in an echo fashion and what you hear is far from distinct. And that’s at the best of times…at other times it’s not even understandable.
Last year, daughter Lorinne treated me to a Blue Jays game on Father’s Day. We went to the Rogers Centre area where you have a 2 hour buffet meal in addition to seeing the game. It’s dead centre field on the third level, totally under cover. Impossible to make out much beyond the occasional word.
Christian Yelich might well sound like Gooban Tornsby in that setting.
Ya take what ya get, I guess.
Tom – What a nice Father’s Day gift! And I know what you mean about Rogers Centre – good acoustics are not its thing. The Spring Training stadiums here are lovely Triple A ballparks that seat about 10,000, on average. The sound systems do vary a bit in quality/clarity . . .
Kinder but also as in Kindergarten from the German
Laurna – Dagnab it! I missed one. Thanks for adding it to the list, even though it casts even more doubt on the conspiracy theory.
And apparently you’ve never heard anyone “throw it out the winder.”
Jim – Only in the movies . . .