Couples: twenty-ish and forty-ish. Professional photographers with tripods and flashes on poles. Singletons on their own with phone cameras. Singletons walking dogs. Groups of young women. And one senior amateur photographer.
I expect there are sound psychological reasons — maybe even sound evolutionary reasons — to explain why people of all ages and types gravitate to the seaside, even or especially at sunrise and sunset. I don’t know what they are, nor do I need to. This is a case where I don’t need to understand the phenomenon/experience, except insofar as it might help to replicate it where there is no seaside.
Indeed! Thanks.
Lorna –
Thank *you.*
That third one is a pip! — Your photos are calendar worthy!
Barbara – Many thanks.
No, Like the first one (that is, top left, where we usually start reading from). Something about those bandy legs, spiderish, digging into the beach…
Jim T
Jim – Yes, I like it too. And I managed to keep my feet dry (and not knock my head on a bracing beam), while avoiding the incoming tide.