Check that item off the bucket list, that is. As I noted in National Treasure #96 . . .
Driving the Cabot Trail is on my bucket list.
Well, passengering the Cabot Trail is the actual entry. My role will be to say, “Look at that!” and “Can you pull over here for a picture?” The Big Guy’s will be to say, “I’m driving” and “Not here: There’s no pullout.”
As I sit here in Margaree Harbour, I have successfully passengered the important parts of the Cabot Trail. Happily, we completed the important parts of the Trail yesterday, along with the hikes insisted-upon by the Big Guy. Happily, because the steady rain overnight yielded to this vista this morning.
But what’s with that about the “important parts”? The Cabot Trail is 298 km but it’s not 298-km of scenic coastal drive. I reckon it’s about 60 km of scenic coastal drive, with maybe another 50 km of semi-scenic, boreal-forested valleys (check out the Aspy Fault). Actually, they’re fully scenic just semi-seen, since the places to view them from a height are few. The rest of the Trail’s length goes through what we might charitably call mixed scenery: Fine to live in, but not a big tourist draw.
But not to worry. We had enough sun to verify that the parts along the coast are truly scenic. More to follow, but here’s a taste.
I knew it! I had a dour friend (she moved away) who said, once, “Everything is a disappointment.” That sent along with JB’s comment, “There is no alloyed joy.”
But, I said, there is enough: and “everything” has collateral beauty if you just attend.
Barbara – Reasonable expectations are key, I think. And there was enough, as well as some unexpected delights. 🙂
It has been many many years since we drove the Cabot Trail. I agree that two-thirds of it is humdrum, and one-third is utterly spectacular.
A friend was telling me — at lunch today, after church — about three dreams she has had over the last 20 years. She feels that they changed her life. And then she admitted that if she had those dreams often, she would stop paying attention to them.
Maybe the Cabot Trail experiences need to be only once a while — probably much less than a third of the trip! — just so they stand out.
Jim T
Jim T – Could be.