You may remember the common redpoll I saw that turned out to be a hoary.
Saturday, with that error firmly in mind and determined not to make it again, I saw a hoary redpoll. That turned out to be a common.
If you’re confused, you’re not alone. But while both photos are too fuzzy even for the cover of the Rolling Stone (not to mention National Geographic), they’re clear enough to see the differences.
I got one slightly sharper shot, but it doesn’t show any of the defining characteristics, like the red patch on the head. Bird watching is hard work.
Ah! I see the difference. The hoary redpoll is wearing a Covid mask! Thoughtful of him….
Jim T –
Although they don’t do social distancing very well, travelling in packs/flocks.
Very clear differentiation. I just love looking at your bird photos.
Judith – That works out well then, since I love taking them.
Even through the back window these days . . .
Spring is coming. The vaccines are coming. Soon we will be as free as the birds. How much more grateful we will be for this long hibernation.
Laurna – I know Spring and vaccines are coming. I hope a greater appreciation of our (renewed) freedom comes with them.