Contrails and Cybertrucks

Some people go to exotic destinations; I spend more time at the grocery store. But parking lots are not entirely devoid of exotic stuff.

To wit, today I saw my first in-the-flesh Tesla Cybertruck. They’re very long; even a generously proportioned parking spot barely accommodates them. Worse, their matte-ish finish doesn’t reflect very well. Maybe I should ask Trey to mention it to Elon. Clearly, the photographer lobby isn’t connecting properly with car designers.

Anyway, Cybertrucks do have windows, so there’s that.

On the same shopping trip, different parking lot, I saw a lovely tableau–contrail, high cirrus clouds, and palm tree–and I learned how patient Americans are with old ladies who stop in a driving lane to take a picture. Thanks, all y’all!

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6 Responses to Contrails and Cybertrucks

  1. Lovely juxtaposition. And since we’re talking Musk and Tesla, an interesting contrast between the retrograde, mirror qualities of AI and the sky’s-the-limit, human-eyeball view of reality.

    • Isabel Gibson says:

      Laurna – Cars are not My Thing so my judgement is suspect, but I don’t like the lines or overall effect of the Cybertruck. For me, it evokes a tank.

  2. Judith Umbach says:

    Obviously, I need to pay more attention in parking lots – not to the traffic but to the esthetic opportunities. You always change my perspective. Thanks!

  3. Tom Watson says:

    Who’d a thunk it?

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