It’s Raining

My professional blog focuses on developing (and surviving) proposals. Seth Godin, marketeer and social philosopheer, never writes about proposals. Like, never. And yet, I often cite Seth Godin’s blog on mine. How come?

It turns out that management–of projects, of processes, of ourselves–has common themes and things-that-are-true, independent of the specific domain of activity. It turns out that people are much the same, no matter what they’re doing.

Seth’s blog today–Rainy day surfer–merits a broad audience, so I’m linking to it here.

They need us the most when it’s raining.

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4 Responses to It’s Raining

  1. Thanks for the link to Seth’s blog. I have missed him these past several years, although taking his Akimbo marketing course embedded some of his principles in my hard drive. One of my classmates from that course supported my work unequivocally. We continue to write and encourage one another, as recently as this past week. It is amazing what shows up when it’s raining.

    • Isabel Gibson says:

      Laurna – 🙂 Indeed it is. Or can be. Congratulations on finding someone to share/support this part of your journey.

  2. Tom Watson says:

    I get something from Seth every day. Good thoughts.

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