Plant your feet firmly. Note that you are leaning just a hair to the right. What’s that? Your right, you silly goose.
Now the most important thing: Pick a spot on the horizon and keep your eyes on it.
Shift your head to be centered over your torso. Keep looking at that spot.
Start shifting your weight over your left foot. Your right foot will start to lift by itself.
Don’t look down at it! Eyes front, mister!
As you complete the weight transfer, look your left leg and lift your right foot completely off the ground.
Place your right foot back down, carefully. Adjust your weight to both feet equally.
And repeat with the left leg. What’s that? Your left, you silly goose.
This avian acrobatic feat you describe in the wonder of its minutiae translates easily into so many tricky balancing acts in my life right now, bringing laughter into all of them! “Easy, now. One small step up. Then turn. Now you’re on the bed. Take your time.” Or the juggling of accounts two days before payday. Or the final picky details on twin apps “my guys in India” hope to launch through my interface with the California stores as I naively slip and slide along my learning curves. And not from one solid rock to the next but amid personalities emerging like Rip Van Winkle from years of PTSD or some other somnolence. “Pick a spot on the horizon and keep your eyes on it!” Words to live and laugh by, Isabel!
Laurna – Here’s to personalities emerging into the light and to keeping our feet under us, where they both belong!
Wonderful! Just how we in Calgary have learned to walk on ice!
Judith – 🙂 I now like those clamps you can strap on your boots. Whatever works.
Wow! That’s incredible photography.
Tom – Well, thank you, but it’s really the camera setting that shoots about 5 photos at one press of the shutter button. It’s amazing the things you can see when that split-second is frozen.
When will the video be out?
Jim R – 🙂 I do have another short-short video I’m working on, with the release date depending on what this week brings.