No, not literally. Not even metaphorically. Figuratively, maybe? Essentially, perhaps?
A reader–noticing the lack of a post two weeks ago and slightly concerned about what it might indicate–suggested that I just post a GONE FISHING sign when life intervened, and so I am.
Not, as I say, that I’ve been fishing this week, but GONE ENTERTAINING or GONE BASEBALL WATCHING or GONE RUNNING ERRANDS or even GONE WEEDING (which is about to be supplanted by a DONE WEEDING sign–not because I am, you know, done weeding but because I am so done with weeding) while all true still fail to communicate quite the same message as GONE FISHING and, besides, lack the cultural cachet.
The truth is more that, with every passing year, I find that things take longer than they used to. I’m still playing catch-up for what I can expect to get done at 72–how I need to manage my time. To repurpose another expression, THIS IS ME, AGING.
Talk among yourselves. Smoke ’em if you’ve got ’em. And stay well until next week.