
It’s yellow. It’s fine. It’s everywhere, most obviously on dark cars and on windshields.

But it really is everywhere. It’s on white plastic handrails, hard to see but obvious to the touch.

It’s ground into wooden stairs.

It’s piled up in tiny drifts along the ridges of a metal threshold.

It catches on any surface irregularities in concrete sidewalks and asphalt roads.

It forms a scummy layer on still bodies of water.

It’s throughout my breathing apparatus, coating my bronchial passages and the inside of my nose. No photos available, you’ll be glad to know.

*It* is pine pollen and the experts on allergies say that it is not responsible for the coughing and sneezing that enliven spring in Myrtle Beach, notwithstanding what the locals say. Pine pollen, it turns out, is too big to trigger true allergic reactions: that requires smaller particles.

Pine pollen grains can be 60 to 100 micrometers in diameter.
Pine pollen is large compared to other pollen grains
(typical pollen grain size is approximately 10 micrometers).
The Asthma Center

Are you finding 60 to 100 micrometers hard to visualize, or is it just me?

A human hair is approximately 70 microns,
give or take 20 microns
depending on the thickness of a given individual’s hair.

We’re not making a watch or an electronic microscope here, so for our purposes it’s close enough to say that an individual pine-pollen grain is about the thickness of a human hair, or about twice the size of the smallest thing we can see.

The experts are admirably non-judgmental about pollen, even philosophical.

Pollen is the male part of a plant’s life.
It isn’t good or bad.
It’s just there, in great volume, in the spring.

Pollen is a part of life.
It’s the trees’ investment in the future.
It also clearly shows that spring is here.
Smile as you sneeze — life is good.

In case you want to make your own investment in the future, consider this: Just being seen can be enough to attract all the blame.


Posted in Laughing Frequently, Photos of Flora | Tagged | 8 Comments


Big, they’re not. Active, they are.

The downy woodpeckers in Myrtle Beach are much like the ones I see at home, although the second-floor balcony gives me a better vantage point here.

This little guy spent a fair bit of time checking out a hole in the tree trunk so I had lots of time to get photos. Most of them had him in motion faster than my shutter speed . . .

. . . or with his head still, but buried in said hole.

Just one showed him in a rare moment of rest with his head visible. Just one is all I need.

Posted in Appreciating Deeply, Laughing Frequently, Photos of Fauna | Tagged | 12 Comments


It’s a mystery: rows of trees laid out in neat grids in places that seem ideally unsuited to orchards. Dry places. Grit-instead-of-soil-underfoot places. And yet, rows and rows and rows (and rows) of trees that look a lot like fruit trees. Here’s a tiny sample, caught in passing at 75 mph.

We’ve seen these unmarked fields in southern Arizona and Texas. They can’t be fruit trees, can they? Maybe they’re nuts. Maybe I’m going nuts. This, right here, is exactly why we need more interpretive signs along highways. Enquiring minds want to know.

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Posted in Language and Communication, Laughing Frequently, Photos of Landscapes | Tagged , | 16 Comments

Neighbourhood Watch

Not the bad-actor kind, the nature kind. Our rented apartment adjacents (why *isn’t* that a word?) a golf course. Moat-like, a small ditch separates said golf course from an otherwise-adjacent townhouse development.

Water means animals. Not always close, but animals.

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Posted in Appreciating Deeply, Photos of Fauna, Photos of Landscapes | Tagged , , | 6 Comments

Teacup Face

Well, tea-residue face, I guess.

It’s clearly a face, but for me it’s the first such face-by-pareidolia not triggered by eyes. I wrote that sentence a few ways to avoid the tricky question of the adjectival form of pareidolia. Pareidolic? Pareidoliac? The former sounds like parabolic, the latter evokes maniac. Neither sounds quite right, although at least the latter would offer an obvious theme song.

Posted in Laughing Frequently, Photos of Faces | Tagged | 10 Comments


Have they developed a rinse for plaque yet?

Thus my routine question to my dental hygienist of 23 years’ standing. Hey, I figure I might as well ask, you know? And so I do. Every four months. I mean, I do what I can to keep my teeth clean between scrapings but, as she delicately notes, I am prone to tartar build-up. It’s not exactly a character flaw but it’s annoying anyway, so I’m always looking for a chemical assist. I can’t quite believe that there is still no mouth-swish I can buy to gently dissolve extraneous gunk while leaving my tooth enamel intact. Maybe this time the answer will be different.


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Posted in Appreciating Deeply, New Perspectives, Thinking Broadly | Tagged , | 8 Comments

White and Pink Birds, Oh My

Last week saw another trip to the St. Augustine Alligator Farm. The usual suspects included wood storks, mostly hanging out behind palm fronds at great heights but occasionally speeding across the sky . . .

. . . and roseate spoonbills: completely improbable large, pink birds whether by land, tree, or sky.

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As Seen on Screen

As we get ready to launch for Myrtle Beach on the weekend, I’ve been going through my shots to see if anything inexplicably fell off the publishing schedule. There were, as it turned out, a few intimations of blogs past, both here and elsewhere.

These little cuties graced our backyard again this year from time to time, their occasional nature adding to our appreciation.

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Posted in Another Thing, Appreciating Deeply, Laughing Frequently, Photos of Built Stuff, Photos of Fauna, Photos of Flora | Tagged , , , | 12 Comments

Scritch, scritch

I had big plans this week: a nature documentary in the BBC tradition, albeit a tad more rudimentary. You know the sort of thing: imagine that mellifluous, refined, British male voice that is never in any hurry at all, no siree.

Ah, the Abert’s towhee: Perhaps not as obviously impressive
to the casual observer as the American Bald Eagle, but the modest towhee has some surprising skills under the hood.

And here we’d have a bald eagle photo that I got the same day, because re-purposing photography and working it into the storyline is key to documentary affordability.

But people make plans and technology laughs. As my previously trusty and currently up-to-date video software crashed, crashed again, crashed again again again again arggh, I decided to simplify.

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Posted in Appreciating Deeply, Laughing Frequently, Nature Videos, Photos of Fauna | Tagged | 12 Comments